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发送时间:2012年11月23日(星期五) 凌晨1:09
主题:Re: how to make power off button work like halt -p

On Thursday 22 November 2012 16:13:26 眼镜蛇 wrote:
> i need to install openbsd on a blind computer(without monitor).so i need to 
> press power off button to shutdown the computer.i know that use ssh is a 
> right way. but press power off is more effective way.
> in the version 5.2, i just press power off, and the computer shutdown 
> directly without clean the file system. i think this would do harm to the 
> database server. i want to know how to make power off button work link halt 
> -p command.

Have you tried it? Just a short press on the button?

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