Maximo Pech <> wrote:

>I have found another possible solution, you can use script(1), calling
>from the .profile of the user, with a line like this at the end of such
>exec script
>Then you change the permissions of the .profile so that the user cannot
>change it. You could also set the output file for script(1) to a file
>located on a directory with the sticky(8) bit activated so the user
>delete the log file of the session but is able to write to it.

You would need to alter the directory rights too.

I don't think sticky means what you think it means.

.profile can be interrupted with ctrl+c.


>2012/12/15 Jiri B <>
>> On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 10:11:20PM -0600, Maximo Pech wrote:
>> > Why not use something like gnu screen or tmux (if it offers the log
>> session
>> > funcionality)?
>> Because it is under controle or the user and he/she can disable
>> such funcionality.
>> jirib

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