On 12/21/12 19:36, Robert Connolly wrote:
> On 12/21/12 04:06, Dustin Fechner wrote:
>> On 12/21/2012 06:17 AM, Robert Connolly wrote:
>>> I want to hide a system in the primary swap partition.
>> Could you please explain why anybody (including you) would want to do 
>> this!?
> Essentially, for fun. For hobby, I am trying to implement every 
> privacy and security technique available, all at the same time. It 
> could be useful to someone like Julian Assange.
Let me put this another way.

I want to be able to walk to the coffee shop, mail a Christmas card to 
my aunt Sarah, buy a cup of coffee, go to the library, and look at 
pictures of Iceland, and then come home and not find advertizements in 
my mail box saying my aunt Sarah likes Acme Brand Coffee, and travel 
brochures for Iceland; but on the internet we know today, this is the 
level of privacy we have (none). And why do we have this lack of 
privacy? To make other people money.

As the Tor developers put it, there is an "arms race" between censorship 
and data collection, and freedom and privacy. I am using my skill-set to 
help others make it more difficult to take my freedom and privacy away.

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