Greg Thomas wrote:
> Ok, it's been awhile since I've seen a message explaining what's in
> src.tar.gz and sys.tar.gz. I know Nick and a few people have sent messages
> to the list explaining what is in each but I haven't found the messages.
>>From looking at the two is src.tar.gz the source for the whole release? And
> sys.tar.gz just the kernel?

erf.  Seems harder to find than it should be, perhaps.  However, using
the search box in the front page does answer the question, so I don't
feel TOO guilty... :)
(should be in faq5.html, but isn't currently)

both describe 'em:
   sys.tar.gz is the kernel source files
   src.tar.gz is the REST of the userland files

if you want to build the whole thing, you need BOTH.

They are broken up on the FTP servers as some people with limited
bandwidth would only need to customize the kernel, and wouldn't care
about the userland.  On the CDROM (paranoia is setting in, I don't have
my CD handy, so maybe I'm wrong), there is only one, containing
everything, since downloading isn't an issue.


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