On 12/26/12 17:02, Paolo Aglialoro wrote:
> Btw, as apache is still present in faq, is any man nginx.conf / faq entry
> planned or the only nginx.org is THE doc resource?
> Thanks

The reason for FAQ entries about things like Apache/httpd being chrooted
is that it isn't standard in the "main" Apache distribution (STILL...but
that's another rant), and creates an unexpected surprise for OpenBSD
users.  So, we document it.

An alert about the nginx default chrooting would definitely be in order.
 Other things?  Not sure.  I just lit up nginx on one of my systems to
replace the apache-derived httpd, and it was pretty darned simple, so
we'll have to see if OpenBSD-specific Questions end up being Frequently
Asked...but I have no desire for OpenBSD.org to become a primary source
of information about generic nginx usage.


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