On 2013-01-02, Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz> wrote:
> This is 5.2/i386 on an IBM Thinkpad T40. As this laptop does not have
> a serial port, I bought me this USB-to-serial gizmo:

There is a real serial port, but no standard de9 connector on the
main laptop, it's only available via the dock interface.

> Now from this Thinkpad, I try to connect with
>       cu -l /dev/cuaU0 -38400
> That say 'Connected', but nothing else happens.
> I can see a garbled login screen such as
>       kXKMr/i386 (gw.stare.cz) (tty00)
>       login:
>               -i
> I usually see something like that with a wrong baudrate.

You won't have usable chars like this if the baud rate is wrong.

> What kind of problem is this?

Faulty/incomplete null modem cable? (do you have at least pins 2/3/5
connected? sometimes it helps to *only* have 2/3/5 connected.)

Faulty USB-to-RS232 adapter?

Have you tried the USB/RS232 and null modem connected to some other
computer? (you can just run cu on both sides and type, it won't echo
locally but you should see text from the other side)

> Can my ucom do 38400? How do I find out?
> Would it make sense to try other baudrates
> (on both the ALIX and my end, obviously)?

Doubtful, but you could try it.

> Is anybody using an USB-to-serial connection to an ALIX?


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