
thanks for the insight.

On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 01:37:38AM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2013-01-02, Toni Mueller <openbsd-m...@oeko.net> wrote:
> >> /bsd: in6_ifloop_request: ADD operation failed for 3ffe:3ffe::0001 
> >> (errno=17)
> 17 is EEXIST - see errno(2) for a list of these - there's probably
> a loopback route hanging around after destroying the interface,
> check in netstat -rnfinet6, you could try deleting it..

this happens exactly the moment when the carp interface that has an
IPv4 address assigned to it, goes into BACKUP state.

> >> /bsd: nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address fe80:0008::0200:5eff:fe00:0102
> Yes, that happens ;)

I can I ignore these, and/or can I safely remove the link-local
addresses that seem to be lifted from the physical CARP device?

> >> /bsd: arpresolve: route without link local address
> I've seen this before, I think it was on a router with a (non-/32)
> address on both the parent interface and the carp interface, though
> I have a few routers doing exactly that which don't see it..
> (Normally it's recommended to use /32 on the carp interface, but
> that's not going to work if you are announcing it into ospf).

Ok. I do not use OSPF (only BGP), so I set all interfaces to

IP address/ netmask of the connected network (eg. "32" for
the IPv6 network).

> Someone tracked down another situation where this can happen,
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=121455393316796&w=2

I therefore would expect the problem to show up for the IPv6-only
CARP interface (ie, carp2) after that went down and refused to
come up again, until the next reboot. But the error message specified
the IPv4 address for a carp interface that is actually there, up, and
*should* be working.

Is this a known problem, or is it just me, that CARP interfaces
come up only once?

Kind regards,

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