
On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Sébastien Marie
<semarie-open...@latrappe.fr> wrote:

> It is the documented behaviour in ksh(1) :-)
> You could see the EDITOR variable comment in ksh(1):

Well, what can I say :-) It was late and I was tired or my english is
crap and didn't understand... ;-)

>    If the VISUAL parameter is not set, this parameter controls
>    the command-line editing mode for interactive shells.
> And as arrow-keys are not used by the 'vi'-like command-line editing...
>> What am I missing here? Can someone confirm this?
> You need to set your command-line editing mode to "emacs".
> In order to keep EDITOR to vi, you should set VISUAL to "emacs" in your 
> .profile:
> VISUAL=emacs

Thanks, a lot for the help. This really solved it. Who would have
guessed - one more time where the man pages proved to be right :-D

Again, thanks for the help


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