On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 10:23:00AM +0100, the unit calling itself Henning 
Brauer wrote:
> > 
> >     'adjusting local clock by XXs'
> > 
> > The word 'by' is a preposition with a specific meaning in the context of 
> > its use... it means "in the amount of"... but that's not what it means 
> > here, is it? No, it does not. Therefore, the log entry is *inaccurate*. 
> it is perfectly accurate. it says "adjusting by", and that is what it 
> does.
> it does not say "hard setting" or anything.
> I won't change the log message, case closed.

It *is* an inaccurate statement of what ntpd is doing to the system's 
time. ntpd is your product - if you're happy with this little flaw, then 
that's fine - leave it as is. But again, "The emperor has no clothes!"


PS - It would seem "mind closed" would be more accurate description of 
this situation than "case closed", eh?

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