Good evening.

I am trying to replace the Verizon FIOS Actiontec router with a OpenBSD 5.2
box, and move from COAX to Cat5e at the same time.  I've read the
documentation for configuring dhcp/dhclient.  I've set the external interface
to "dhcp".  I have a solid green link light on the interface (re0).

When I attempted to cutover (Verizon reset the ONT, and I rebooted the box). I
received the following feedback:

DHCPDISCOVER on re0 to port 67 interval 3
DHCPDISCOVER on re0 to port 67 interval 7
DHCPDISCOVER on re0 to port 67 interval 9
DHCPDISCOVER on re0 to port 67 interval 9
DHCPDISCOVER on re0 to port 67 interval 21
DHCPDISCOVER on re0 to port 67 interval 12
No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

I assumed the RJ-45 port was hot when it cutover.  I now find that the COAX
port is still hot (as the Actiontec router is still online) and therefore
assume the cutover to RJ-45 was not done properly on their end.

But I also wanted to know if a stock 5.2 distro work with FIOS and Cat5e or do
I need to use ISC-dhcp somewhere in the process?

Thanks in advance,


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