Curious to know if anyone else has had the need for a label-like output
option for displaying pf table stats.

$ `pfctl -vsl' produces a nice parse-able output;
int_if_icmp 50247 160 221120 80 110560 80 110560 2

$ `pfctl -v -t table_name -T show' produces similar data but difficult
to parse;
Cleared:            Tue Feb  5 12:13:13 2013
In/Block:           [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0              
In/Pass:            [ Packets: 80584              Bytes: 11502955       
Out/Block:          [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0              
Out/Pass:           [ Packets: 107323             Bytes: 116053001      

I assume this can be worked from pf ioctl's (man 4 pf) but for someone
lacking C programming skills this would be a nice out-of-the box
feature. Or is this request out-of-scope for pfctl's design?

Byron Klippert
  c. 867-336-1306

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