Hi all

I've had loadsa success in the past with flashdist on my soekris 4801 but figured I'd go for flashboot as I liked the idea of easy upgrades when running the system in memory. I also liked the idea of something more challenging!

So, here's some background to my problem:

After extracting in the src and sys to /usr/src and making crunchgen I
downloaded flashboot-0.7.2.tar.gz and extracted it to /var/flashboot.  I
modified the paths in /var/flashboot/misc/build.sh accordingly.  I then
copied mk-MINI.conf to /etc and modified the /var/flashboot/Makefile to
set the kernel to SOEKRIS4801 rather than the default 4501. One more change I made was to add to more nics into the initial-conf to suite the 4801's 3 nics.

I ran /var/flashboot/misc/build.sh and went and chilled for a while. I then ran make and it stops with the following:

   /mnt: write failed, file system is full
   cp: /mnt/usr/bin/ftp: No space left on device
   *** Error code 1

   Stop in /var/flashboot (line 116 of /var/flashboot/Makefile).

Looking at df I get:

# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a      3.9G   32.0M    3.7G     1%    /
/dev/wd0h      2.9G    2.0K    2.8G     0%    /home
/dev/wd0d      3.9G    2.0K    3.7G     0%    /tmp
/dev/wd0g      3.9G    772M    3.0G    20%    /usr
/dev/wd0e      3.9G    621M    3.1G    16%    /var
/dev/svnd0a    9.0M    9.0M   18.0K   100%    /mnt

So clearly the /mnt to svnd0a is too small (or rather something isn't small enough to fit ont it) but I just dont know why. I
expected that everything would have been fine cause I've created a
pretty much default flashboot and expected a small kernel as
described by djm.

I tried increasing the blocks to 30000 (15mb) but it still failed, just later in the process. The only other queries I have are:

1. Since I'm working off a 3.8 release, is it still necessary to apply the supplied patches? (just noticed they're over 2 years old and tried applying it and it failed on chunk14). 2. Am I perhaps not getting everything dynamically linked due to something I'm not doing during the build process? 3. Where does ${BSDSRCDIR} get exported from in the Makefile line 106? It's in build.sh but I dont see it in the Makefile.

Can anyone suggest what I need to do to fix this?

I originally sent this email direct to djm, but its clearly stated in the readme that support is not provided, so I'm not overly suprised that I haven't had a response yet. Since there are many posts on this list about Soekris and flashboot and djm is active on this list, I figured this is the next best place to post my issue. If this is not the place to post this query, please advise somewhere more suitable, in any manner you see fit...I can take it!!


Simon H

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