On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 07:41:11AM -0500, Nick Holland wrote:
> On 02/19/13 05:47, MJ wrote:
> > Which app are you running that is generating millions of tiny files
> > in a single directory?  Regardless, in this case OpenBSD is not the
> > right tool for the job. You need either FreeBSD or a Solaris variant
> > to handle this problem because you need ZFS.
> > 
> > 
> > What limits does ZFS have? --------------------------------------- 
> > The limitations of ZFS are designed to be so large that they will
> > never be encountered in any practical operation. ZFS can store 16
> > Exabytes in each storage pool, file system, file, or file attribute.
> > ZFS can store billions of names: files or directories in a directory,
> > file systems in a file system, or snapshots of a file system. ZFS can
> > store trillions of items: files in a file system, file systems,
> > volumes, or snapshots in a pool.
> > 
> > 
> > I'm not sure why ZFS hasn't yet been ported to OpenBSD, but if it
> > were then that would pretty much eliminate the need for my one and
> > only FreeBSD box ;-)
> The usual stated reason is "license", it is completely unacceptable to
> OpenBSD.
> The other reason usually not given which I suspect would become obvious
> were the license not an instant non-starter is the nature of ZFS.  As it
> is a major memory hog, it works well only on loaded 64 bit platforms.
> Since most of our 64 bit platforms are older, and Alpha and SGI machines
> with many gigabytes of memory are rare, you are probably talking an
> amd64 and maybe some sparc64 systems.
> Also...see the number of "ZFS Tuning Guides" out there.  How...1980s.
> The OP here has a "special case" use, but virtually all ZFS uses involve
> knob twisting and experimentation, which is about as anti-OpenBSD as you
> can get.  Granted, there are a lot of people who love knob-twisting, but
> that's not what OpenBSD is about.
> I use ZFS, and have a few ZFS systems in production, and what it does is
> pretty amazing, but mostly in the sense of the gigabytes of RAM it
> consumes for basic operation (and unexplained file system wedging).
> I've usually seen it used as a way to avoid good system design.  Yes,
> huge file systems can be useful, but usually in papering over basic
> design flaws.

If you don't like the RAM consumption of ZFS for basic operations,
enable the deduplication. You will cry like a baby :D

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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