Solved. There's no problem with my laptop or nics. It's a problem of the web For some reason, this web does not measure in the same way in linux than in OpenBSD. I reinstall OpenBSD but in i386 flavor. With i386 I can use gnash in Firefox and try other flash speed test ( is for html5).

With flash speed meters, the result are the hopped: about 20Mbps.

So sorry for the noise.


On 02/22/13 16:58, Jes wrote:
Tested with a 54Mbps wireless connection and pf disabled, the problem
remains. My wifi card is:

iwn0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200" rev 0x35:
msi, MIMO 2T2R, MoW

the problem remains: bandwithd limited to 4Mbps  (tested with

So, it's not em0 or iwn0 related. The same laptop with fedora 18 gets

My kernel es 5.3 Generic amd64, snapshot from february 17.

My laptop is a Thinkpad T410.

No special customizations in /etc/sysctl.conf, only:

machdep.allowaperture=2         # See xf86(4)
#Users can mount
#Laptop lid suspend (not active)

#Ip Forwarding

net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=512 # Maximum allowed input queue length
(256*number of interfaces)


Some clue?


On 02/21/13 20:51, sven falempin wrote:

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Jes <
<>> wrote:

    Hi Sven:

    My laptop is a Thinkpad T410, with two disks. Fedora 18 installed
    in the
    first, and OpenBSD in the second. The ethernet card is:

    em0 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "Intel 82577LM" rev 0x06: msi, address

    # netstat -i
    Name    Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ierrs Opkts
    Oerrs Colls
    lo0     33152 <Link>                              12 0     12
    0     0
    lo0     33152 localhost/1 localhost               12     0 12
    0     0
    lo0     33152 fe80::%lo0/ fe80::1%lo0             12     0 12
    0     0
    lo0     33152 localhost   localhost               12     0 12
    0     0
    em0     1500  <Link>      f0:de:f1:11:5e:42    47578 0   8230
    0     0
    em0     1500  fe80::%em0/ fe80::f2de:f1ff:f    47578     0 8230
      0     0
    em0     1500  185.14.165.    47578     0 8230
      0     0
    iwn0*   1500  <Link>      00:27:10:81:bf:1c        0 0      0
    0     0
    enc0*   0     <Link>                               0 0      0
    0     0
    pflog0  33152 <Link>                               0 0      0
    0     0

    # vmstat -i
    interrupt                       total     rate
    irq0/clock                     589062      399
    irq0/ipi                      1377979      933
    irq144/acpi0                      295        0
    irq100/inteldrm0                 8543        5
    irq112/em0                      50136       33
    irq96/ehci0                     28840       19
    irq176/azalia0                   6406        4
    irq101/ehci1                       26        0
    irq102/ahci0                    46781       31
    irq145/pckbc0                    4387        2
    irq146/pckbc0                  287700      194
    Total                         2400155     1626

    # uname -a
    OpenBSD 5.3 GENERIC.MP#36
    <http://GENERIC.MP#36> amd64

    # ping <>
    PING <>
    ( 56 data bytes
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=0
    ttl=51 time=102.293 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=1
    ttl=51 time=103.218 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=2
    ttl=51 time=108.620 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=3
    ttl=51 time=100.815 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=4
    ttl=51 time=109.586 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=5
    ttl=51 time=107.245 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=6
    ttl=51 time=108.278 ms
    64 bytes from <>: icmp_seq=7
    ttl=51 time=103.384 ms

    # cat /etc/hostname.em0

    # ifconfig em0
    em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
             lladdr f0:de:f1:11:5e:42
             priority: 0
             groups: egress
             media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX
             status: active
             inet6 fe80::f2de:f1ff:fe11:5e42%em0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
             inet netmask 0xfffff800 broadcast

    # netstat -s
             9994 total packets received
             0 bad header checksums
             0 with size smaller than minimum
             0 with data size < data length
             0 with header length < data size
             0 with data length < header length
             0 with bad options
             0 with incorrect version number
             0 fragments received
             0 fragments dropped (duplicates or out of space)
             0 malformed fragments dropped
             0 fragments dropped after timeout
             0 packets reassembled ok
             9982 packets for this host
             0 packets for unknown/unsupported protocol
             0 packets forwarded
             0 packets not forwardable
             0 redirects sent
             8033 packets sent from this host
             0 packets sent with fabricated ip header
             0 output packets dropped due to no bufs, etc.
             0 output packets discarded due to no route
             0 output datagrams fragmented
             0 fragments created
             0 datagrams that can't be fragmented
             0 fragment floods
             0 packets with ip length > max ip packet size
             0 tunneling packets that can't find gif
             0 datagrams with bad address in header
             9931 input datagrams checksum-processed by hardware
             0 output datagrams checksum-processed by hardware
             0 multicast packets which we don't join

             7559 packets sent
                     2215 data packets (2502569 bytes)
                     96 data packets (132860 bytes) retransmitted
                     0 fast retransmitted packets
                     2933 ack-only packets (4742 delayed)
                     0 URG only packets
                     0 window probe packets
                     1993 window update packets
                     322 control packets
                     0 packets hardware-checksummed
             9535 packets received
                     1955 acks (for 2329925 bytes)
                     345 duplicate acks
                     0 acks for unsent data
                     0 acks for old data
                     7193 packets (9431283 bytes) received in-sequence
                     10 completely duplicate packets (547 bytes)
                     0 old duplicate packets
                     0 packets with some duplicate data (0 bytes
                     121 out-of-order packets (5879 bytes)
                     0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
                     0 window probes
                     17 window update packets
                     4 packets received after close
                     0 discarded for bad checksums
                     0 discarded for bad header offset fields
                     0 discarded because packet too short
                     0 discarded for missing IPsec protection
                     0 discarded due to memory shortage
                     9533 packets hardware-checksummed
                     0 bad/missing md5 checksums
                     0 good md5 checksums
             166 connection requests
             0 connection accepts
             165 connections established (including accepts)
             160 connections closed (including 1 drop)
             0 connections drained
             1 embryonic connection dropped
             864 segments updated rtt (of 860 attempts)
             1 retransmit timeout
                     0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
             0 persist timeouts
             0 keepalive timeouts
                     0 keepalive probes sent
                     0 connections dropped by keepalive
             525 correct ACK header predictions
             6988 correct data packet header predictions
             29 PCB cache misses
             1 ECN connection accepted
                     0 ECE packets received
                     0 CWR packets received
                     0 CE packets received
                     6 ECT packets sent
                     0 ECE packets sent
                     0 CWR packets sent
                             cwr by fastrecovery: 2
                             cwr by timeout: 1
                             cwr by ecn: 0
             0 bad connection attempts
             0 SYN cache entries added
                     0 hash collisions
                     0 completed
                     0 aborted (no space to build PCB)
                     0 timed out
                     0 dropped due to overflow
                     0 dropped due to bucket overflow
                     0 dropped due to RST
                     0 dropped due to ICMP unreachable
             0 SYN,ACKs retransmitted
             0 duplicate SYNs received for entries already in the cache
             0 SYNs dropped (no route or no space)
             2 SACK recovery episodes
                     133 segment rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
                     171608 byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
             365 SACK options received
             6 SACK options sent



    On 02/21/13 18:32, sven falempin wrote:
    > give more information, like how you connect the card to the modem,
    > provide vmstat -i , the uname result
    > show some ping , and More important give your network
    configuration :
    > for v in /etc/hostname.* do print "$v :"; cat  $v done etc ....
    > or you will just look like a linux troll :-)
    > On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Jes <
    > < <>>> wrote:
    >     Hi all:
    >     I'm running current amd64. I've detected a problem with the
    >     network speed. My internet connection is cable, with 20Mbps. In
    >     Linux, with several speed meters (my provider's and, for
    > <> <>) I always get
    around 20Mpbs in
    >     donwlink, and about 2-2.5 Mbps in uplink. But with OpenBSD
    >     there is a limit around 4Mbps in downlink (uplink is ok).
    >     It doesn't matter if the PF is enabled or disable, the speed is
    >     always ~4Mbps.
    >     Ethernet card is in 100Mbps full-duplex.
    >     I've google a lot and tried several sysctl tweaks but without
    >     success. Right now I've finished to upgrade to the last snapshot
    >     and the problem remains.
    >     Any idea?
    >     Thanks in advance,
    >     Jes
    > --
    > () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
    > /\

I hope others will give you more info, they are people with much more
knowledge than me , two  things are catching my intention:

- first your card is gibagit and apparently not FULLY supported by em
( 2 cents ) :
you shoud see
           1000baseLX Sets 1000Mbps operation. Only full-duplex mode is
                       supported at this speed.
           1000baseSX  Sets 1000Mbps operation.  Only full-duplex mode is
                       supported at this speed.
           1000baseT   Sets 1000Mbps operation.  Only full-duplex mode is
                       supported at this speed.
what does hardware spec say ? maybe you just have a compatible chip ?
linux dmesg ?

- the irq0/ipi interupt rate is very high while the em0 is relatively
low .

You didn't give any information about the modem (i know it does not
change but ...)

There 's some history around performance of em on 1GB :-) and i
remember thats it works with good hardware.

() ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail

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