Regarding this I did some tests and found some other cases on internet.

It looks like IBM had some problems with "handling the USB ports to
the operating system" and corrected them using a BIOS release. Some
folks say that release broke the compatibility with kernels (isn't
that funny?!). Some were able to downgrade the BIOS, but IBM handed
over the business to Lenovo and the older BIOSes files are not

Other people, using linux kernel say things are going fine each time
you run lsusb. I tried this on a linux kernel and it was necessary for
me to run lsusb -v and the USB device was recognized.

The rest of complains are dealing with disabling ehci module from kernel.

Leaving away the fact that I'm not sure what IBM was thinking with
this Thinkcentre model and not a standard USB, is there a way to call
the discovery procedure again on OpenBSD, like it is called on boot ?
I tried to disable ehci from kernel, but the result is the same - the
USB device is not seen by the kernel. I tried also to run usbdevs -v,
but no change either. I want to force an USB detection each time I
plug in something, if this is possible with some shell comands.


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