Hi Stuart,
you are right, and i was tired :p, i haven't seen the source was wrong
in tcpdump.
In fact, the negotiation uses WAN src ip instead of LAN src ip. I forced
src with local A.B.C.D and then, it works !
Thanks for your advice, i need to clean my eyes ^^
Have a nice day
Best regards, 

Loïc BLOT, Engineering
UNIX Systems, Security and Networks

Le vendredi 01 mars 2013 à 19:34 +0000, Stuart Henderson a écrit :
> On 2013/03/01 20:16, Loïc BLOT wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply Stuart, but:
> > - It's a test network, with an offline switch
> > - only the two routers are on the switch, with the good VLAN connected
> > by one LACP trunk (for each device)
> > - isakmp negotation is from the expected hosts
> > - the certificate are default certificates, generated by OpenBSD
> > 
> > What's wrong ? I think it's another problem, but the configuration is
> > trivial. Two monthes before i tested it with under two KVM hosts and i
> > haven't this problem. Now with servers i have this problem, and many
> > guys have this problem but nobody have an answer.
> > 
> > Someone know how can i switch to AES instead of 3DES ?
> > Thanks for advance
> Your ipsec.conf lines are already setup for AES, to see the isakmpd
> config sections used, try this:
> echo 'ike esp transport from to' | ipsecctl -nvf -
> The fact that the log shows it expecting 3DES means that the connection
> attempt isn't matching any of the configuration sections which ipsecctl
> added to isakmpd, so isakmpd falls back to its built-in default
> (3DES-SHA-RSA_SIG) and fails because the other side *is* using AES.
> Mismatching IP addresses is usually the most common reason on
> multihomed hosts but there are other possibilities. Sometimes it
> helps to tcpdump -vvs1500 -nienc0, sometimes it helps to use
> "isakmpd -L" to generate a decrypted /var/run/isakmpd.pcap file
> and examining that with tcpdump -r..but whatever the cause,
> the 3DES thing means it is not using your configuration section.

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