On 03/11/13 21:50, Devin Ceartas wrote:
> I was disappointed to find the (admittedly cheap) adapter I bought for this
> gifted Acer AspireOne didn't work. I already new the on-board wireless
> chipset wasn't going to work, and I saw this review:
> http://www.amazon.com/review/R20NYPJH13BJ8X for a USB wireless adapter.
> See the last lines of the dmesg below. Also, attempts to set the nwid and
> then use dhclient just give me a "no link" message.

>From rsu(4):

     The driver needs at least version 1.1 of the following firmware file,
     which is loaded when an interface is attached:


     A prepackaged version of the firmware can be installed using

It seems you are missing this.


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