
I have decided to sell my Mac computer as I'm totally skint, being a
student. But, I would like to preserve the Music and Videos I've got on
it -- mainly from iTunes -- and transfer them to my OpenBSD system so I
can play them.

Is it simply a case of creating a tar file of the music files and
copying them over? Will the encoding (mostly mp4, mp4 and mp4a) be ok to
use "as-is" or will I need to do some extra processing on them using
some tool or other? I've got mplayer and vlc player installed which I
hope I can use to play them, etc.

Has anyone had experience with this type of thing and able to offer some
info about the steps, if any, I need to take?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.

Best wishes, James.

James Griffin:  jmz at kontrol.kode5.net 
                                jmzgriffin at gmail.com

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