On Fri, 2013-03-15 at 10:27 +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2013-03-15, Martijn van Duren <martijn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello misc,
> >
> > I'm currently trying to update my system, after a cvs -q up -P. In some
> > folders, when I type make update, the process exits immediately with an
> > error code 0.
> > Even adding a FORCE_UPDATE=Yes to it doesn't do anything.
> "make update" only works in the most simple cases; where subpackages or
> flavours have changed it can easily become confused. As with all things
> in the ports tree (as opposed to packages) it is more of a developer
> convenience rather than something which is expected to work at all times.
> Best bet is to clean the package directory of any old junk before
> you start building new packages, then "make package" and
> "PKG_PATH=/usr/ports/packages/`arch -s`/all sudo pkg_add -u".

I also get the same problem when doing doing a make package. Even with a
make clean and make distclean beforehand.
# make distclean
===>  Cleaning for help2man-1.41.1
===>  Dist cleaning for help2man-1.41.1
# make package
# echo $?

I did some small testing, everything step (from ports(7)) from make
fetch to make build work, but make package, make install and make update
exit immediately with the package installed. After I've deinstalled the
package I can install it again via make install

> Alternatively "dpb -u" is likely to work better than "make update",
> though still not totally reliable (the best method is generally to
> use dpb on a clean machine/chroot, then point pkg_add -u at the
> new packages).

What I noticed is that this command builds all the packages, which I
find a waste of cpu-time and I can't even spare the diskspace on this
machine. I also couldn't find a switch to select the proper ports to
upgrade manually. So I guess that dpb isn't suitable for my purpose.



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