[--------- Fri 22.Mar'13 at 21:06:43 +0000  Stuart Henderson :---------]

> On 2013-03-22, Alexander Polakov <p...@sdf.org> wrote:
> > * James Griffin <j...@kontrol.kode5.net> [130322 15:10]:
> >> I was wondering if anyone uses dzen2 with OpenBSD (-current). If so I'd
> >> be really interested to see some examples of setups and scripts.  I'd like
> >> to be able to see network activity, mailbox updates/status and a few other 
> >> items
> >> of interest. Nothing too complex.
> >
> > You may be probably interested in sysutils/xstatbar (nice graphs) or 
> > x11/xmobar
> > (all included) if you're too lazy to write monitoring scripts by yorself. Or
> > just pipe sysutils/conky output to dzen2.
> >
> I used to do exactly this (pipe conky output through dzen2), then switched to 
> xstatbar.

Cheers Stuart/Alexander - conky \w dzen2 or xstatbar seems worth a go.
No doubt i'll probably just uninstall them after a while. Afterall, I
can get info from the commandline and also use tmux to show some stats.
Just playing around with cwm really, so maybe i've too much time on my
hands :-) .

I'd probably be better off using the time to help in some with the
project, like writing docs - i'm pretty good at that.

Cheers for all replies and links etc.


James Griffin:  jmz at kontrol.kode5.net 
                                jmzgriffin at gmail.com

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