On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 15:48, Xianwen Chen wrote:

> I'm learning to use vi. I find that the buffer operation is different in
> vi than vim. For example, in vim, it is  ':bn', ':bp', and ':bd' to go
> to next and previous buffer, and to close a buffer. Vi does not seem to
> have them implemented.

I think the easiest option is to install vim and use that.

> Because of the  popularity of vim, a lot of documents that I found
> on-line are vim specific, like the example. I don't know how  to edit
> multiple files at once. I use ':e file' name and  vi closes current file
> before opening the new file.

In general, our policy is to only document features that exist.
The list of features that don't exist would be a neverending list. If
you are reading something other than official openbsd documentation,
it's your responsibility to verify that it's correct. 

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