John Tate <> wrote:

>I have a squid proxy listening in transparent mode on another faster
>system, but I can't seem to get packets there with pf. I tried simply
>modifying the other divert-to rule to use the IP address of that
>system. It
>doesn't seem to work, packets don't reach that system.
>#pass in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp to port http divert-to
>port 3128
>pass in quick on $int_if inet proto tcp to port http divert-to
>port 3128
>How should I be doing this? I couldn't find anything on Google.

I believe you want rdr-to.  The divert-* options are for userspace application
connection, not packet redirection.
Sent from my phone.  Please excuse any idiotic automated word choices.  It
wasn't me.  Honest.

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