Thanks for the tip! pkg_scripts did the trick (I'd never seen that
mechanism before). With regards to making adsuck play nice with dhcp (yes,
I tired the "script" line from the readme only to get errors), maybe the
dhclient-adsuck script was rewritten? I've done nothing special and yet it
all just works. Following is my setup on 5.3 i386 (after your advice):

# grep adsuck /etc/rc.conf.local:
pkg_scripts="adsuck"    # notice I've removed the adsuck_flags variable

# grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf:

# cat /etc/dhclient.conf:
supersede domain-name-servers;
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers,
  domain-name-servers, domain-name, host-name;

# grep nameserver /var/adsuck/files/resolv.conf:

# ls /var/adsuck/files/hosts.small:

Although I thrashed around a lot trying to get it to work, once I rolled
back all my changes I guess all that needs to happen (in my case) is:

cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/adsuck/files/
print 'pkg_scripts="adsuck"' >>/etc/rc.conf.local
print "prepend domain-name-servers;" >>/etc/dhclient.conf

and change /etc/resolv.conf to contain only:

Thanks again for your help.

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Kenneth R Westerback <
> wrote:

> On Fri, May 03, 2013 at 02:52:06PM -0700, Scott wrote:
> > Good day,
> > I can't get adsuck to start at boot on OpenBSD 5.3. I copied strings
> like a
> > monkey and thought them over (even testing them in shell), but no luck.
> >
> > # grep adsuck /etc/rc.conf.local:
> > adsuck_flags="-c /var/adsuck -f /files/resolv.conf /files/hosts.small"
> >
> > # cat /etc/rc.local:
> > if [ "$adsuck_flags" != "NO" -a -x /usr/local/sbin/adsuck ]; then
> >     echo -n ' adsuck'
> >     /usr/local/sbin/adsuck "$adsuck_flags"
> > fi
> You may want to use the pkg_scripts variable in rc.conf.local. i.e.
> rather than modifying /etc/rc.local.
> >
> > # which adsuck:
> > /usr/local/sbin/adsuck
> >
> > Adsuck does work properly if started manually using:
> > sudo adsuck -c /var/adsuck -f /files/resolv.conf /files/hosts.small
> As far as I can see from a quick install of adsuck, I don't think it has
> been adapted to the removal of the dhclient-script from dhclient's
> operation. So if you are using dhcp you may be out of luck at the moment.
> Or
> if you are using dhcp and aduck is working on 5.3 I'd be interested in more
> details on your setup, and where you got directions on setting it up.
> >
> > So I know it's just something I'm doing wrong with my rc scripts. I read
> > the readme in /usr/local/shar/docs/pkg-readmes/, but that only covers
> > interaction with dhclient and resolv.conf.
> And, alas, does it wrong. 'script' is no longer a valid statement
> in dhclient.conf and thus the provided /usr/local/sbin/dhclient-adsuck
> will not be invoked by dhclient.
> .... Ken
> >
> >
> > Any help would be MUCH appreciated.
> >
> > -Scott

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