On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:55 AM, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> Anyone have any ideas about how to improve TCP performance with huge
> numbers of out-of-order packets?
>         62653661 packets received
>                 25373283 acks (for 43239433893 bytes)
>                 2225419 duplicate acks
>                 20139430 packets (21139432159 bytes) received in-sequence
>                 989606 completely duplicate packets (299125194 bytes)
>                 51753 old duplicate packets
>                 362 packets with some duplicate data (144255 bytes duplicated)
>                 15927761 out-of-order packets (19170915512 bytes)
>                 28812 packets (28812 bytes) of data after window
>                 28812 window probes
>                 259673 window update packets
>                 38231 packets received after close
>                 21 discarded for bad checksums
>                 26790492 packets hardware-checksummed

Hi Stuart,

Out of curiosity, what kind of link are you getting this on?
What kind of hardware?

I ask because I had something similar with a few of my Debian boxes.
The problem was related to non-pegged interrupts on the E5-2600 Xeons.


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