
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 03:49:20PM -0700, Scott wrote:
> To relay to gmail, I added the following to smtpd.conf:
> table secrets db:/etc/mail/secrets.db
> accept for any relay via tls+auth://gmail1<at>smtp.gmail.com:587 \
>   auth <secrets>
> And created secrets and ran makemap. secrets contains:
> gmail1 userid<at>gmail.com:mypassword
> These settings are grammatically identical to what's in man smtpd.conf.
> test email to userid<at>gmail.com gets hung in the queue. mailq results:
> c7940bdbb495c038|local|mta|auth|scott<at>foo.bar.org|userid<at>gmail.com
> |userid<at>gmail.com|1368880609|1369226209|0|22|pending|7232|No MX could be
> reached
> Google's MX record? That would indicate I goofed the URL I think; but I've
> checked it a million times (I get a bit neurotic when these simplistic
> things don't work and replace strings with identical strings from a manpage
> or search result just to make sure I'm not being dyslexic).
> What's wrong with my configs?

You really need to show more than just one line of configuration.
OpenSMTPD uses a first-match approach, if any rule better describes the
envelope before the rule you're showing, then we will not be able to
understand the issue.

Also, "No MX could be reached" means that no MX willing to accept the
envelope could be reached. That can mean you have invalid credentials
and that none of the MX you contacted have accepted to establish a
session with you.

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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