On 21 May 2013 22:52, Jiri B <ji...@devio.us> wrote:

> I'm very surprised to see something like this. Comparing with
> normal unix filesystem, 'sftpuser' would not even enter such
> directory. Is this OK?
> * sftpuser has only group 'sftpuser'
> $ sftp sftpuser@localhost
> Connected to localhost.
> sftp> cd /
> sftp> ls -l
> drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0             512 May 21 18:43 dev
> drwx-----x   12 1000     1000          512 May 21 18:32 jirib
> drwxr-xr-x   10 1000     1000          512 May 21 18:32 pub
> sftp> cd jirib
> sftp> pwd
> Remote working directory: /jirib
> sftp> ls -al
> remote readdir("/jirib"): Permission denied
> j.
You should (re)read your unix manuals. Execution permission on a directory
means it can be traversed. What you observe is the correct behaviour for
any system with POSIX file permissions.

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the little guy does right

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