On 2013-05-21, Aaron Dewell <aaron.dew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I know this is slightly off-topic on this list, I'm hoping the OpenBSD answer 
> will be "close enough" to the MacOS X (10.8) answer that I'll get what I need 
> done.  I have gotten zero replies from the Apple communities, so I'm asking 
> here.  That said, here's what I'm trying to accomplish.
> This server has 5 VLAN tagged interfaces (already set up and reachable).
> First one holds the default route (used for administration).
> Ostinato (traffic generator) is installed.
> The other 4 VLAN interfaces are to be used for traffic generation/receiving.
> What I want is for traffic sourced (via Ostinato) from a particular IP 
> address to be sent via it's own VLAN interface to it's own router.  I have 
> accomplished this on Linux (the far end of this test) using:
> ip route add default via <gateway-X> dev ethX table X
> ip rule add from <network-X> table X priority X
> Research online suggests that this used to work before ipfw was deprecated:
> ipfw add X fwd <gateway-X> ip from <IP-address-X> to any
> (I did try this, and nothing actually happened.)
> Further searching led me to this as the possible OpenBSD answer:
> route -T X add -iface <gateway-X>
> echo pass in from <network-X> to rtable X | pfctl -mf -
> However, this particular version of the OS does not support the -T option to 
> route, so I presume that multiple tables are not supported.  However, that 
> step may be not needed.
> Reading the pfctl man page made my brain hurt.  :-)  It seems a very 
> functional utility and able to do many, many things, but it's so far away 
> from things I have used in the past (mostly Linux) that the learning curve 
> seems steep.
> I'm thinking maybe the extra routing table is not strictly necessary in this 
> application, and that pfctl (which in this case is directly from OpenBSD) 
> might be able to do exactly what I want it to do by itself.  To that end, I'm 
> hoping someone could give me some hints on the syntax I need to feed it to 
> make this work.
> Thanks in advance!  I appreciate any and all suggestions.
> Aaron

For states created by outgoing traffic, you're looking for "route-to".
You may also need "reply-to" if you have incoming traffic to that address
where replies should also be forced via that path.


pass in from <network-X> route-to

OpenBSD doesn't have the "pfctl -m" syntax you mention, but looking at
Apple's manpage I don't think it does what you expect. It looks like it
is meant for merging "set" options, but it doesn't say what effect
it has on the ruleset; for all I can tell it might well replace the
whole ruleset with the single rule you're piping to it. Probably
better to write the ruleset in a pf.conf file and load that.
Unlike ipfw, PF normally treats the whole ruleset as a unit and
switches to a new ruleset atomically, if you want something other
than this (e.g. on-the-fly replacing of certain rules under script
control) you would normally use an "anchor" so that other rules can
be left alone.

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