On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 07:41:38AM +0000, C. L. Martinez wrote:
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:37 AM, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 07:30:19AM +0000, C. L. Martinez wrote:
> >> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:02 AM, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> 
> >> wrote:
> >> > On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 06:57:16AM +0000, C. L. Martinez wrote:
> >> >> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 6:50 AM, Antoine Jacoutot 
> >> >> <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:
> >> >> > On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 06:18:04AM +0000, C. L. Martinez wrote:
> >> >> >> Hi all,
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >>  I have a problem with some tcl rc.d startup scripts. Start and 
> >> >> >> status
> >> >> >
> >> >> > You mean check instead of status, right?
> >> >>
> >> >> Yep, you are rigth Antoine ..
> >> >>
> >> >> >
> >> >> >> works ok but stop and restart, doesn't.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Running the rc script in debug mode may give you some clue (-d).
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Uhmm .. no clues:
> >> >>
> >> >> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/suricata_proxyin_agent -d stop
> >> >>
> >> >> + [ -n /usr/local/bin/suricata_proxyin_agent.tcl ]
> >> >> + unset _RC_DEBUG _RC_FORCE
> >> >> + getopts df c
> >> >> + _RC_DEBUG=-d
> >> >> + getopts df c
> >> >> + shift 1
> >> >> + basename /usr/local/etc/rc.d/suricata_proxyin_agent
> >> >> + _name=suricata_proxyin_agent
> >> >> + _RC_RUNDIR=/var/run/rc.d
> >> >> + _RC_RUNFILE=/var/run/rc.d/suricata_proxyin_agent
> >> >> + eval _rcflags=${suricata_proxyin_agent_flags}
> >> >> + _rcflags=
> >> >> + eval _rcuser=${suricata_proxyin_agent_user}
> >> >> + _rcuser=
> >> >> + getcap -f /etc/login.conf suricata_proxyin_agent
> >> >> + > /dev/null
> >> >> + 2>&1
> >> >> + [ -z  ]
> >> >> + daemon_class=daemon
> >> >> + [ -z  ]
> >> >> + daemon_user=root
> >> >> + [ -n  ]
> >> >> + [ -n  ]
> >> >> + [ -n  ]
> >> >> + printf  %s -c /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> >> >> + daemon_flags= -c /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> >> >> + daemon_flags=-c /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> >> >> + readonly daemon_class
> >> >> + unset _rcflags _rcuser
> >> >> + pexp=/usr/local/bin/suricata_proxyin_agent.tcl -c
> >> >> /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> >
> > versus
> >
> >> 17486 p2- I       0:00.30 /usr/local/bin/tclsh8.5
> >> /usr/local/bin/suricata_proxyin_agent.tcl -c
> >> /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> >
> Modified:

Then sorry but I don't see. It would help if I could try this software; is it a 
port of yours or?

> + daemon_user=root
> + [ -n  ]
> + [ -n  ]
> + [ -n  ]
> + printf  %s -c /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> + daemon_flags= -c /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> + daemon_flags=-c /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> + readonly daemon_class
> + unset _rcflags _rcuser
> + pexp=/usr/local/bin/suricata_proxyin_agent.tcl -c
> /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> + rcexec=su -l -c daemon -s /bin/sh root -c
> + pexp=/usr/local/bin/tclsh8.5
> /usr/local/bin/suricata_proxyin_agent.tcl -c
> /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> + rc_cmd stop
> doing rc_read_runfile
> doing rc_check
> .. and nothing changes ...
> root@nsm10:/etc# ps xa
>     1 ??  Ss      0:01.21 /sbin/init
> 17527 ??  Is      0:00.02 syslogd: [priv] (syslogd)
> 10721 ??  I       0:00.76 /usr/sbin/syslogd -a /var/www/dev/log -a
> /var/empty/dev/log
>  6621 ??  Is      0:00.06 pflogd: [priv] (pflogd)
>  7793 ??  S       0:04.96 pflogd: [running] -s 160 -i pflog0 -f
> /var/log/pflog (pflogd)
>   160 ??  Is      0:00.26 ntpd: ntp engine (ntpd)
>  8497 ??  Is      0:00.01 ntpd: dns engine (ntpd)
>  2615 ??  Is      0:00.01 ntpd: [priv] (ntpd)
> 22730 ??  Is      0:00.22 /usr/sbin/sshd
> 20624 ??  Ss      0:02.82 sendmail: accepting connections (sendmail)
>  6481 ??  Is      0:00.03 /usr/sbin/inetd
> 20209 ??  Is      0:00.71 /usr/sbin/cron
> 28761 ??  Ss      0:00.78 sshd: root@ttyp0 (sshd)
> 17173 ??  Is      0:00.51 sshd: root@ttyp1 (sshd)
> 30836 p0  Ss      0:00.22 -ksh (ksh)
> 15177 p0  S       0:00.05 /usr/local/bin/tclsh8.5
> /usr/local/bin/suricata_proxyin_agent.tcl -c
> /data/config/etc/sguil/suricata_proxyin_agent.conf -D
> 14502 p0  R+/3    0:00.00 ps -xa
> 31013 p1  Is+     0:00.16 -ksh (ksh)
> 30991 C0  Is+     0:00.02 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyC0
> 25448 C1  Is+     0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty std.9600 ttyC1


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