This ain't a blog nor your personal diary. What's the point and purpose of these rants, really? Saying OpenBSD rules? Sucks? What?


On 05/28/13 07:14, Justin Lindberg wrote:
Richard Thornton: Not sorry, not a dude, I do not drink alcohol, and I do not
associate with people like you.  Take your dude problems elsewhere, because
I am not interested.  OpenBSD is the only reason I am here, and I do not like
rubber hoses or the people who try to shove them up my butt.  I don't care what
Theo thinks, either.  It's his operating system, and he can take it or leave it 
ignore the spam.  And anyone else can use it under the BSD license.  That's
what he did to NetBSD anyway.  I am going to use whatever software I want
to use as long as it is legal.  Same as anyone else on the mailing list, unless
I get B& for some reason, in which case I will find a different mailing list.  
I don't
run the show here, so don't act like I do or I am trying to, because I am not.
I'm not interesting in forkingan operating system or going back to Net- or
FreeBSD, either.  I don't like Linux, either, because the kernel is far too 
and I don't like all the spyware, adware, and malware that goes along with it.
I just use OpenBSD as an operating system.  It does not put me in the mood
to party, nor, do I think, is it intended to.  Yet another defense to 
cryptanalysis is to slice those rubber hoses to ribbons with a sharp razor, and
install a decent burglar alarm with a secure OS.

From: Richard Thornton <>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: From the military propaganda department

Time to drink a beer and chill out, dude!

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.
From: Justin Lindberg
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 2:01 PM
Reply To: Justin Lindberg
Subject: From the military propaganda department

Excuse the Yahoo address.  That's the best I can do here in the United States
of Amerikkka.  How is life in OpenBSD-land?  The gummint dont trust me when
I use OpenBSD because they don't have a clue what I'm doing when I'm at my
computer.  Even after they've read my code, and obtained all my passwords via
rubber-hose cryptanalysis, and they're sitting at my keyboard staring at the 
prompt, they still don't have a clue what I am doing, and they think the problem
can be solved by the more liberal use of rubber hoses.

Oh, I was writing a letter to my attorney.  But some people consider that to be
illegal here in Amerikkka.

They don't understand that when I am ready to release my software, I release it,
and when it's released, it's released.  That is my right under our First 
guarantee of freedom of speech and of the press.  I think it works pretty 
over there in Canada.  When you've tested your code and you are ready, you
commit it, and when it's committed, it's committed, and the rest of the team is
free to tear it to shreds.

The best defense to rubber-hose cryptanalysis is small pieces of lead, saboted
and silenced and projected at high speed at anyone and everyone armed with a
rubber hose.  The Penguins over in Linux-land understand this very well.  Do the
Pufferfish?  Because that's my right, too, under our Second Amendment
guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms.

So when I'm ready, I fire a shot, and when it's fired, it's fired, and there is 
calling it back.  And that's why I make dead certain that I am ready before I 

Even if the U.S. Department of Defense considers computer cryptography to be a
munition of war, then the right to use it is still protected, only under the 
Amendment rather than the First.  Some communications are private, confidential,
classified, or privileged and not obtainable with a warrant, and that is why we 
cryptography here in the United States of America.

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