Hello folks!

I have this PF config (for whom could not see Web things, this config is
also at the end of the message):


running well in OpenBSD 5.3 over a Core i5 Ivy Bridge, 16GB of RAM, 120GB
SSD, one 3Com 10/100 (driver xl), two Agere (driver et) 10/100/1000, one
Atthansic (alc) on-board Gigabit, and one Quad Port Intel (em). All things
going fine! :) - but there is Akamai...

My needs are: put through an internet emergencial link all Akamai CDN
traffic (and all the like we can track). This link is an ADSL, not so
reliable as our other two links (2x10Mbps, opticals, symmetric). And is not
intended to do routing for us, so I can not just drop my packets as
src:187.72.K.L over that ISP's line and expect them coming back through it.

In other words, there is no RIPv2 as we have in the other links.

So my thought was: why not do NAT through this emergencial link? Put a lot
of known IPs from Akamai and their friends in a PF table, and every packet
with destiny to any IP from that table go through this emergencial link.

How can I solve this? Our two best links are from one ISP, this emergencial
is from another.

Thank you all for the spent time!

An as promised, the configuration (sorry about formatation, I dunno how
GMail will treat this):

RFC1918 = "{ 172.16/12, 192.168/16, 10/8, 127/8 }"
INT_NET  = "{ internal real IPs }"

ext_if_1 = "em0"
ext_gw_1 = "187.72.A.X"
ext_ip_1 = "187.72.A.Y"

ext_if_2 = "em1"
ext_gw_2 = "187.72.B.X"
ext_ip_2 = "187.72.B.Y"

ext_if_3 = "alc0"
ext_gw_3 = "187.72.C.X"
ext_ip_3 = "187.72.C.Y"

int_if_1 = "em2"
int_gw_1 = "187.72.D.X"
int_ip_1 = "187.72.D.Y"

squid_master_if = "em3"
squid_master_gw = "187.72.E.X"
squid_master_ip = "187.72.E.Y"

#all_ifs = "{ $ext_if_1, $ext_if_2, $ext_if_3, $int_if_1, $squid_master_if

# increase default state limit from 10'000 states on busy systems
set limit states 6304000
set limit tables 5000
set limit src-nodes 200000
set limit frags 3000
set optimization normal
set state-defaults pflow, no-sync

set skip on lo

#block private nets
block in log quick on {  \
 $ext_if_1,        \
 $ext_if_2,        \
 $ext_if_3,        \
 $squid_master_if, \
 $int_if_1 } from $RFC1918 label "blocking RFC1918"

# test nat-to IP_REAL -> IP_REAL:
pass  in  on $int_if_1 from 187.72.W.A route-to pppoe0    # can these...
pass  out quick on pppoe0 from 187.72.W.A nat-to (pppoe0) # two rules work?
there is a way?

#pass on lo0 all flags S/SA
pass all flags any allow-opts # establish keep-state

# route to squid_master
pass in quick on $int_if_1 proto tcp from { $INT_NET, $int_gw_1 } to port
http \
 route-to ($squid_master_if $squid_master_gw)
pass in quick on $ext_if_1 proto tcp from port http to { $INT_NET,
$int_gw_1 } \
 route-to ($squid_master_if $squid_master_gw)
pass in quick on $ext_if_2 proto tcp from port http to { $INT_NET,
$int_gw_1 } \
 route-to ($squid_master_if $squid_master_gw)
pass in quick on $ext_if_3 proto tcp from port http to { $INT_NET,
$int_gw_1 } \
 route-to ($squid_master_if $squid_master_gw)
# route from squid_master
pass in quick on $squid_master_if proto tcp from { $INT_NET, $int_gw_1 } to
 port http route-to \
{ \
  ($ext_if_1 $ext_gw_1) weight 1, \
  ($ext_if_2 $ext_gw_2) weight 50 \
} least-states label "cahce outbound balancing"

pass in quick on $squid_master_if proto tcp from port http to { $INT_NET,
$int_gw_1 } route-to ($int_if_1 $int_gw_1)

# let traffic in!
#pass in quick on $int_if_1 from { $INT_NET, $int_gw_1 } to {\
 #$ext_if_1:network, \
 #$ext_if_2:network, \
 #$ext_if_3:network, \
 #$squid_master_if:network }

pass in quick to {  \
 $ext_if_1:network, \
 $ext_if_2:network, \
 $ext_if_3:network, \
 $squid_master_if:network } label "passing in to myself nets"

# outbound balancing
pass in quick on $int_if_1 from $int_gw_1 route-to \
{ \
  ($ext_if_1 $ext_gw_1) weight 1, \
  ($ext_if_2 $ext_gw_2) weight 10 \
} least-states label "outbound balancing NATed"
pass in quick on $int_if_1 from $INT_NET route-to \
{ \
  ($ext_if_1 $ext_gw_1) weight 10, \
  ($ext_if_2 $ext_gw_2) weight 1 \
} least-states label "outbound balancing all but NATed"

#pass in quick on $int_if_1 from $int_gw_1 route-to ($ext_if_2 $ext_gw_2) \
# label "outbinding NATed to the best link"

# symetric routing? may be not... ask someone else
pass out on $ext_if_1 from $ext_if_2 route-to ($ext_if_2 $ext_gw_2)
pass out on $ext_if_1 from $ext_if_3 route-to ($ext_if_3 $ext_gw_3)
pass out on $ext_if_2 from $ext_if_1 route-to ($ext_if_1 $ext_gw_1)
pass out on $ext_if_2 from $ext_if_3 route-to ($ext_if_3 $ext_gw_3)
pass out on $ext_if_3 from $ext_if_1 route-to ($ext_if_1 $ext_gw_1)
pass out on $ext_if_3 from $ext_if_2 route-to ($ext_if_2 $ext_gw_2)

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