Hello Rob,
mine is a forward proxy, it's used by my clients to go to all websites
(except blacklisted by squidguard).

Best regards,
Loïc BLOT,
UNIX systems, security and network expert

Le dimanche 02 juin 2013 à 12:33 -0700, Rob Sheldon a écrit :

> On 2013-06-02 2:35, Loïc BLOT wrote:
> > Hello rob,
> > i'm using squid since 3.1 on OpenBSD 5.2 with compiled sources (squid
> > 3.2.5-9 and 3.3.4 at this time). I don't use an IP but the http_port
> > 3129 as my configuration suggests:
> >
> > http_port 3128
> > http_port 3129 intercept
> >
> > And i have those rule in my PF
> >
> > pass in quick proto tcp to { 10.X.1.1 10.X.1.2, 10.X.1.3 } port
> > { $squid_port $squid_intercept_port http }
> > pass in quick inet proto tcp from { <personnel> <captiveportal_auth> }
> > to any port { 80 8080 } rdr-to 10.X.1.1 port $squid_intercept_port
> >
> > And all works perfect :). I haven't tested on 5.3 because the BCM5720
> > which are disabled on 5.2 are enabled and cause problem on my second
> > squid server... but i don't think this cause a problem.
> As a forward proxy or a reverse proxy? There's no way a Squid 3.2+
> installation should work with rdr-to, unless:
> - the sources were modified to disable the security check described by
> Amos in
> http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-users/201208/0374.html;
> - or the destination IP of the requests matches the IP of the requested
> web server (reverse proxy, internal web server, or something).
> Amos spelled out the code change in 3.2+ in the mail post above. rdr-to
> rewrites the destination IP in the request. If Squid receives a request
> for a host (e.g. a get request for / on www.google.com), and the DNS
> lookup for the requested host does not match the destination IP of the
> request (e.g. the request was rdr-to'd, then Squid will refuse
> to forward the request to www.google.com.
> I can accept that maybe there's something going on that I still don't
> understand that's causing my particular configuration to require the
> listening IP in the http_port setting -- although I doubt it, I'm very
> very close to the configuration in the official Squid documentation at
> this point -- but I understand the rdr-to problem well enough now to
> assert that it won't work as intended except in a few specific cases.
> - R.

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