> ath0 at cardbus0 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR5212" rev 0x01: irq 11
> ath0: AR5213 5.6 phy 4.1 rf5112a 3.6, FCC2A*, address 00:0d:02:ab:d2:23
> ath0 detached
> I then tried the card I had on another laptop (known wokring on FreeBSD)
> ath0 at cardbus0 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR2413" rev 0x01: irq 11
> ath0: AR2413 7.8 phy 4.5 rf 5.6, FCC2A*, address 00:23:cd:c9:c4:d9
> ath0 detached

Eh! You have 2 cards in fact!

> I need to connect to a simple WEP network. With both card I experience 
> this behaviour:

If it is your network, I urge you to change that. Wep is not
security anymore. At all.

> When I run dhclient on the card, the led will power up, blink 
> itnermittently, but no link comes up.

Getting an address is the second step. What if you follow 
the faq? Could you post results?

> If I complete the same procedure as above with the only working card I 
> know which is a ral card, it will register fine (exactly the same 
> commands, so I know stting the key and ssid is correct) and "scan" will 
> show my network.

Copy configuration file and use it as a starting point for atheros.

> PS: On FreeBSD, the first card behaves the same, but the second card 
> works, just as a comparison.

On the laptop I use freebsd, just for having problems previously with
wireless. On freebsd almost all atheros and intel models are supported.
I was aware of some cards disliking hidden routers. If you could, do
some experiment and enable it first. Then let it be free of mac filtering.
Then, some laptop models are not wifi card friendly. Bios disables it,
if you don't buy it from the vendor, with approved model.
A lot to test. Google for problems for your laptop model, regarding
Best regards


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