I installed hylafax and IAXModem from packages.
 And I should have added that I tried to manually configure hylafax using the 
files in /var/spool/hylafax
after I could not get faxsetup/faxaddmodem to run.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-m...@openbsd.org [mailto:owner-m...@openbsd.org] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 3:32 AM
To: Peter Fraser
Cc: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: hylafax, sendfax, txtfmt

Hello Peter, 

there are so many differences in paths that I wonder: did you install from 
1) I do not even have a hyla.conf
2) I never touched anything outside /var/spool/hylafax
3) this is on:
OpenBSD 5.3-current (GENERIC) #146: Thu Apr 25 16:55:16 MDT 2013

If you installed from ports/packages possibly take this to ports@.

Bye, Marcus

p...@thinkage.ca (Peter Fraser), 2013.06.10 (Mon) 19:52 (CEST):
>  I am trying set up HylaFax and for a simple test  I ran
> sendfax -d 5198951860 ~/.profile
> results in:
> /usr/local/sbin/textfmt: No font metric information found for "Courier-Bold".
> Usage: /usr/local/sbin/textfmt [-1] [-2] [-B] [-c] [-D] [-f fontname] 
> [-F fontdir(s)] [-m N] [-o #] [-p #] [-r] [-U] [-Ml=#,r=#,t=#,b=#] [-V #] 
> files... >out.ps Default options: -f Courier -1 -p 11bp -o 0
> Error converting document; command was "/usr/local/sbin/textfmt -B -f 
> Courier-Bold    -Ml=0.4in -p 11 -s default >'/tmp//sndfaxYXDutu'  
> '/home/pjf/.profile'"
> The error is a result of textfmt failing
> A simple use of textfmt
> A simple use of textfmt
> /local/sbin/textfmt ~/.profile
> Gives the error
> Font metrics file not found: .afmFont Courier: 
> /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/fonts.dir/.afm: Can not open font metrics 
> file; using fixed widths.
> I assume  the error is caused by a misconfigured hyla.conf located at 
> /usr/local/libdata/hylafax/etc/hyla.conf
> which I currently have as
> FontMap:/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/fonts.alias:/usr/local/shar
> e/ghostscript/fonts/fonts.alias-gs
> FontPath:/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/fonts.dir
> TextFont:Courier
> I have tried all sorts of variations in hyla.conf but so far none has worked. 
> Can anyone give me some hints in what to try next.
> PS
> Other problems that I have had. These are not resolved but I haven't 
> worked that hard on them yet
> I first tried with t38modem, compiling it with the 323 Plus Library.
> Every time I tried to run it, my system locked up and I had to use the reset 
> button.
> Since the machine I was working on is a car trip away.  I didn't try 
> hard to debug the problem.
> I switched to IAXmodem which doesn't lockup the machine, and I am in 
> the process of trying to Configuring HylaFax.
> To set up HylaFax you run faxsetup
> Which gives the following dialog, asking a log of questions I am not sure of 
> the correct answer.
> Eventually I get stuck at the question
> This modem looks to have support for Class 1.0 and 1.
> How should it be configured [1.0]?
> There seems to be no correct answer.
> The whole dialog follows.
> faxsetup
> Setup program for HylaFAX (tm) 6.0.6.
> Created for i386-unknown-openbsd5.3 on Tue Feb 26 08:12:39 MST 2013.
> Reading cached parameters from /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.
> Found base64 encoder: /usr/local/bin/mimencode Found Quoted-Printable 
> encoder: /usr/local/bin/mimencode -q Found mimencode for compatibilty: 
> /usr/local/bin/mimencode Checking system for proper client 
> configuration.
> Checking system for proper server configuration.
> Warning: /bin/vgetty does not exist or is not an executable program!
> The file:
>     /bin/vgetty
> does not exist or this file is not an executable program.  The HylaFAX 
> software optionally uses this program and the fact that it does not 
> exist on the system is not a fatal error.  If the program resides in a 
> different location and you do not want to install a symbolic link for 
> /bin/vgetty that points to your program then you must reconfigure and 
> rebuild HylaFAX from source code.
> Warning: /bin/egetty does not exist or is not an executable program!
> The file:
>     /bin/egetty
> does not exist or this file is not an executable program.  The HylaFAX 
> software optionally uses this program and the fact that it does not 
> exist on the system is not a fatal error.  If the program resides in a 
> different location and you do not want to install a symbolic link for 
> /bin/egetty that points to your program then you must reconfigure and 
> rebuild HylaFAX from source code.
> Searching for a default font.
> Generating Fontmap /usr/local/libdata/hylafax/etc/Fontmap.HylaFAX.
> Searching for a default font.
> Searching for a default font.
> Searching for a default font.
> Found n022003l to use as default font.
> Setting font configuration in /usr/local/libdata/hylafax/etc/hyla.conf.
> Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax a link to /var/spool/hylafax/bin/ps2fax.gs.
> Make /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax a link to 
> /var/spool/hylafax/bin/pdf2fax.gs.
> Update /var/spool/hylafax/status/any.info.
>       HylaFAX configuration parameters are:
>       [1] Init script starts faxq:            yes
>       [2] Init script starts hfaxd            yes
>       [3] Start paging protocol:              no
> Are these ok [yes]? 
> Beware, I am guessing the tty naming conventions for your system.
> Modem support functions written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.modem.
> Configuration parameters written to /var/spool/hylafax/etc/setup.cache.
> Restarting HylaFAX server processes.
> You seem to be running FlexFAX (there are faxd processes).
> Is it ok to terminate these processes (4499) [yes]? 
> Sent a SIGTERM to processes 4499.
> You have a HylaFAX scheduler process running.  faxq will be restarted 
> shortly, as soon as some other work has been completed.
> Can I terminate this faxq process (6231) [yes]? 
> Should I restart the HylaFAX server processes [yes]? 
> /usr/local/sbin/faxq
> You do not appear to have any modems configured for use.  Modems are 
> configured for use with HylaFAX with the faxaddmodem(8C) command.
> Do you want to run faxaddmodem to configure a modem [yes]? 
> Serial port that modem is connected to []? ttyIAX
> Ok, time to setup a configuration file for the modem.  The manual page 
> config(5F) may be useful during this process.  Also be aware that at 
> any time you can safely interrupt this procedure.
> Reading scheduler config file /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.
> No existing configuration, let's do this from scratch.
> Country code [1]? 
> Area code [519]? 
> Phone number of fax modem [+1.999.555.1212]? +1.519.895.1860 Local 
> identification string (for TSI/CIG) ["NothingSetup"]? Thinkage Long 
> distance dialing prefix [1]?
> International dialing prefix [011]? 
> Dial string rules file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [etc/dialrules]? 
> Tracing during normal server operation [1]? 
> Tracing during send and receive sessions [11]? 
> Protection mode for received facsimile [0600]? 
> Protection mode for session logs [0600]? 
> Protection mode for ttyIAX [0600]? 
> Rings to wait before answering [1]? 
> Modem speaker volume [off]? 
> Command line arguments to getty program ["-h %l dx_%s"]? 
> Pathname of TSI access control list file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) 
> [""]? 
> Pathname of Caller-ID access control list file (relative to 
> /var/spool/hylafax) [""]? 
> Tag line font file (relative to /var/spool/hylafax) [etc/lutRS18.pcf]? 
> Tag line format string ["From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"]? 
> Time before purging a stale UUCP lock file (secs) [30]? 
> Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound data calls [Yes]? 
> Hold UUCP lockfile during inbound voice calls [Yes]? 
> Percent good lines to accept during copy quality checking [95]? 
> Max consecutive bad lines to accept during copy quality checking [5]? 
> Max number of pages to accept in a received facsimile [25]? 
> Syslog facility name for ServerTracing messages [daemon]? 
> Set UID to 0 to manipulate CLOCAL [""]? 
> Use available priority job scheduling mechanism [""]? 
> The non-default server configuration parameters are:
> CountryCode:          1
> AreaCode:             519
> FAXNumber:            +1.519.895.1860
> LongDistancePrefix:   1
> InternationalPrefix:  011
> DialStringRules:      etc/dialrules
> SessionTracing:               11
> RingsBeforeAnswer:    1
> SpeakerVolume:                off
> GettyArgs:            "-h %l dx_%s"
> LocalIdentifier:      Thinkage
> TagLineFont:          etc/lutRS18.pcf
> TagLineFormat:                "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
> MaxRecvPages:         25
> Are these ok [yes]? y
> Now we are going to probe the tty port to figure out the type of modem 
> that is attached.  This takes a few seconds, so be patient.
> Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to the port, or the 
> modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and cable up the modem or 
> turn it on, or whatever).
> Probing for best speed to talk to modem: 38400 OK.
> About fax classes:
> The difference between fax classes has to do with how HylaFAX 
> interacts with the modem and the fax protocol features that are used 
> when sending or receiving faxes.  One class isn't inherently better 
> than another; however, one probably will suit a user's needs better than 
> others.
> Class 1 relies on HylaFAX to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.
> Class 2 relies on the modem to perform the bulk of the fax protocol.
> Class 2.0 is similar to Class 2 but may include more features.
> Class 1.0 is similar to Class 1 but may add V.34-fax capability.
> Class 2.1 is similar to Class 2.0 but adds V.34-fax capability.
> HylaFAX generally will have more features when using Class 1/1.0 than 
> when using most modems' Class 2 or Class 2.0 implementations.  
> Generally any problems encountered in Class 1/1.0 can be resolved by 
> modifications to HylaFAX, but usually any problems encountered in 
> Class 2/2.0/2.1 will require the modem manufacturer to resolve it.
> Use Class 1 unless you have a good reason not to.
> grep: ": No such file or directory
> This modem looks to have support for Class 1.0 and 1.
> grep: ": No such file or directory
> This modem looks to have support for Class 1.0 and 1.
> How should it be configured [1.0]? 1
> grep: 1: No such file or directory
> grep: ": No such file or directory
> This modem looks to have support for Class 1.0 and 1.
> How should it be configured [1.0]? 1.0
> grep: 1.0: No such file or directory
> grep: ": No such file or directory
> This modem looks to have support for Class 1.0 and 1.
> How should it be configured [1.0]?
> !DSPAM:51b612a9234181073733319!

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