Found the problem with "sendfax" and "textfmt" that cause the error message:

Font metrics file not found: .afmFont Courier: 
/usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts/.afm: Can not open font metrics file; using 
fixed widths.

"textfmt"  requires the package 

afm-1.0             Adobe Font Metrics

to be installed.

Which was not installed when I installed hylafax

PS hylafax also required 

ghostscript-9.06p1  GNU PostScript interpreter
ghostscript-fonts-8.11p2 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name aliases

Which also are not automatically installed.

I can see why the choice was made not to install them by default, but a hint 
that they would be needed to use "sendfax" would have been nice.

Once the packages are installed then "faxsetup" configures "textfmt" correctly.

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