After much frustration I did manage to get HylaFax to send and receive faxes.

The first problem I ran into was faxsetup failing when it was configuring the 
and leaving a half setup system that had to be manual configured. I believe 
that there
are fixes for the problem. They were sent to me but I didn't try them since by 
I had gotten around the problem, by manually doing the setup.

The next class of problem was missing the "Adobe Font Metrics" package ("afm").
To test fax I tried to use HylaFax's "sendfax" command which gave and error 
saying it needed "ghostscript", but made no mention of needed the "Adobe Font 
and "sendfax" generated misleading error messages as a result. Once I had
added the "Adobe Font Metrics". I could now generate a fax and was able
to trace down the rest of my problems from the log files.

Currently I have 

nohup /usr/local/bin/iaxmodem ttyIAX0 >>/var/log/iaxmodem/daemon.log 2>&1 &
nohup /usr/local/sbin/faxgetty ttyIAX0 &

in my /etc/rc.local

And I can receive and send faxes, but iaxmodem stops working randomly

All the log shows is 

iax.c line 2617 in iax_header_to_event: Cancelling transmission of packet 0
iax.c line 2617 in iax_header_to_event: Cancelling transmission of packet 1

these two lines repeating over and over again.

I know using /etc/rc.local to start "faxgetty" is not the correct method
and that it should be started using an entry in /etc/ttys.

I haven't been able to get that that to work. I don't understand the interplay
between /etc/ttys, /etc/gettytab and /var/spool/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX0.

I suspect the problem is with the value for "GettyArgs" in 

any help would be appreciated.

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