Is it just me, or are the trolls around here getting more and more lame.

On 08/09/13 00:00, wrote:
I got couple of questions for whom I can't find an answers,

You've obviously thought long and very hard.

I do not wish anything bad for Theo, I just need to be sure that there are others who could keep project going.

After running the OpenBSD project for over 20 years, I'm sure Theo never thought of that. We all thank you for bringing it to his attention.

that OS they developing is powering most illegal things which you probably can't dream on?

I'm sure OpenBSD devs are ashamed that I use it to power my kitten-stomping, baby-mulching machines. I'm also sure the people that make hammers and knives feel really, really bad too.

OpenBSD people could silently include trojan

I could win the lotto; gamma rays could destroy the planet; I could get hit by a bus. That's why the source and commit logs are *not* available to the public, and the whole damn thing is proprietary. There is no possible way anyone could know what the devs are doing.

Thanks for reading.

No, thank-YOU for pointing out such things for the very first time.

To all that are reading, please let my lame attempt at humour be the first and only response. :)

Scott McEachern

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

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