Hi Paul,

Good feedback, thanks.

> |   # cp -p bsd.mp /bsd && cp -p bsd.rd /bsd.rd && sync
> So don't copy bsd.rd when copying bsd.mp exited non 0 ?

I very much expect that to work, so I'd rather have it stop in case of
error. Personal preference, I guess.

> |   d) Destroy the system for good:
> |   # for x in base54.tar comp54.tar man54.tar game54.tar xbase54.tar
> | xshare54.tar xfont54.tar xserv54.tar; do echo $x; /bin54/tar xphf $x -C
> | /; /bin54/sync; done
> Reverse the list of files and you won't need your /bin54/tar (and you
> can continue using gzip'ed tarballs).  In fact, all you really need is
> to stick base54 at the end of the list.

Yes, even though that deviates from the order the installer uses. The
results are probably the same, but I would want to double-check that first.

Also, the order is so engrained from years of typing them, I often try
to include the misc set after comp ...

> | 12. Re-add packages as per current.html:
> | 
> | # pkg_add -z -l /root/pkg_list_manual
> | # pkg_add -za -l /root/pkg_list_full
> I don't really understand why you're doing the -za dance with the full
> pkg list.  For all those dependencies that were required for the
> manually installed packages ?  Or for all the dependencies of manually
> added packages that you've since deleted ?

I simply merged in the steps from current.html, to make the instructions
comparable. (Convention wins.) I like how this make sure that the
resulting system is as close as possible to before the update.


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