Dear Sirs!

I managed to boot OpenBSD 5.3 in a Fujitsu Siemens Futro A220 (AMD Geode 
LX800) thin client from a Celeron Machine running OpenBSD 4.8.

I followed what I read in DISKLESS(8) and PXEBOOT(8) almost blindly,
without understandig very much. Perhaps the pages could be more
understandable. I have a lot of questions. I begin with some.

Who uses bootparam? Only the Kernel? 

Is Bootparamd a standard? FreeBSD has it with the same author,
there is also a Bootparamd in SunOS. I think this is important
to know for booting from other operating systems, but I dont
find this info in the man pages.

After it boots, I have the root file I gave in /etc/bootparam,
I dont need to mount it with /etc/fstab. Should I give the
root file in /etc/bootparam and leave the kernel mount the
root again?

The above does not happen with the swap file. To have a swap
file I have to give it in /etc/fstab. Is this due to an error
in my configuration?


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