On Wed, Sep 25 2013 at 40:16, Adelin Balou wrote:

> Dear Sir/Madame,
> I am a student in pending Master's degree in Network and Security at
> University of Valenciennes (France), I am currently encountering problems
> while setting up a Firewall with Packet Filter on OpenBSD 5.3.
> I wall a PC with 3 network interfaces ( xl0 : connected to WAN , xl1 :
> connected to WLAN , xl2 : connected to LAN ). I need that this PC works like a
> firewall. I have installed OpenBSD and setting up rules in /etc/pf.conf
> (please to find attached to this mail my pf.conf file it is commented in
> French, if any questions just let me know).
> The problem is : The Firewall has Internet and hosts on WLAN and LAN can't
> connect to internet. I don't know if my NAT and Filtering rules are not
> matching. My /etc/resolv.conf has an ADSL internet Box address and DNS is
> working correctly. My xl0 interface has got IP from DHCP server from the ADSL
> Internet Box so no need to create a file /etc/mygate to specify the ADSL
> Internet Box default gateway. The command route show shows me my default
> gateway.


Did you enable IP forwarding in sysctl.conf?
DNS has nothing to do with packets going through a firewall.

> I have contacted http://www.evolix.fr/ one of the OpenBSD support link
> http://www.openbsd.org/support.html in Marseille (France) they have read the
> file but they can't find the problem. I will be grateful if you could help me.
> Please find attached my pf.conf file.
Attachements are blocked on this list ;-)

You can read the PF book http://home.nuug.no/~peter/pf/ to find good
informations on PF.



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