On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 01:37:46PM +0200, Denis Fondras wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an OpenBGPd router with OpenBSD5.3, peering with two remote
> routers (one for v4 and one for v6). I expect my peers to send me only
> valid routes.
> Is there a way to show every prefixes sent by a peer, even invalid ones ?
> I know of "bgpctl show rib" but I'd like to understand what this line
> means : "27808 prefix entries using 869K of memory"
> For me it looks like half of the prefixes I receive are invalid (in
> memory bu not in RIB) and I'd like to understand why.
> Thank you in advance,
> Denis
> $ bgpctl sh rib mem
> RDE memory statistics
>         15 IPv4 unicast network entries using 360B of memory
>      13889 IPv6 unicast network entries using 488K of memory
>      27807 rib entries using 869K of memory
>      27808 prefix entries using 869K of memory
>       8364 BGP path attribute entries using 621K of memory
>       8018 BGP AS-PATH attribute entries using 265K of memory,
>            and holding 8364 references
>       1013 BGP attributes entries using 23.7K of memory
>            and holding 1534 references
>       1012 BGP attributes using 7.9K of memory
> RIB using 3.1M of memory
> $ bgpctl show rib inet6 | wc -l
> 13902
> $ bgpctl sho rib inet | wc -l
> 19

You most probably run with softreconf in and therefore there is to prefix
entries for each path.
bgpctl show tables - to show the tables which can be used

bgpctl show rib in - to show the Adj-Rib-In
bgpctl show rib table XXX - show the table XXX

Invalid pathes are shown in either bgpctl show rib or in bgpctl show rib in

:wq Claudio

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