Speaking of failing internet...using my phone...

All of the programs at the end of my script are static binaries, either in /bin 
or /usr/sbin, so they should work, right?   Yet nothing ran, ls and cat both 
failed with the bad system call error. 

I only have one version of my script.  It doesn't call tmux nor did I kill the 
tmux server. 

Interesting!  Thanks for replying. 

Sent from my iPhone,
Reluctantly hunting and pecking on a virtual keyboard :-)

> On Oct 9, 2013, at 3:19 PM, Nicholas Marriott <nicholas.marri...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> So long as tmux is running and attached it is already in memory and
> replacing the binary on disk should have no effect.
> Also ksh is still ksh even if it's inside tmux. tmux is not a
> shell. Once your script is going then whether you are running it inside
> tmux or not should make no difference. Assuming the script doesn't
> itself invoke tmux and you don't do anything to kill the tmux server.
> Your script is running rm, sync, pwd_mkdb and cp after replacing them so
> I guess they it is expected they will fail.
> No idea why oreboot is failing.
> Are you sure you aren't running an old version of the script by
> accident, or something like that?
>> On Wed, Oct 09, 2013 at 02:47:52PM -0600, Jeff Ross wrote:
>>> On 10/9/13 1:29 PM, Nick Holland wrote:
>>>> On 10/09/2013 02:43 PM, Jeff Ross wrote:
>>>> I've got to upgrade some remote machines that I only have access
>>>> via ssh.
>>>> I've been using a script based on the "Upgrade without install kernel"
>>>> for years.  I modified it slightly for this upgrade by adding
>>>>    /usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb /etc/master.passwd
>>>> to /etc/rc.local so the password databases can be updated and I can log
>>>> in after the first reboot.
>>>> But how do I make the remote system reboot?  Attempting to use the
>>>> /sbin/oreboot file I made in accordance to the "Upgrade without install
>>>> kernel" method fails with a "Bad system call (core dump)" error, as does
>>>> trying *any* command after base is extracted.
>>> I think you are doing something wrong here...
>>> /sbin/oreboot should be the old binary, which should -- and can!
>>> -- run on the old kernel.
>>> I just did this last night, so I know it can work. :)
>>> Are you using standard, supplied shells, such as ksh, sh, or csh?
>>> I could imagine that bash or something else would get really
>>> really unhappy there, but ksh et al. should be fully resident in
>>> RAM.
>>> or did you happen to try "sudo oreboot"?  that also would be
>>> expected to not work, not because of oreboot, but because of sudo.
>>> Do an ls -l /sbin/*reboot, I think your /sbin/oreboot isn't what
>>> you are thinking it is.
>>> Nick.
>> Hi Nick!
>> Just the person I was hoping to hear chime in!
>> Standard ksh shell, as root, although I got there via sudo.
>> I for sure thought it was odd, but actually on 4 separate systems
>> I've had reboot fail.  The first was my little netbook in my lap,
>> but that was not problem because I could physically access the
>> keyboard.  The next was half of another pair of CARPed firewalls--I
>> have yet to get someone in there to fix that--and then the CARPed
>> pair at my work--yesterday for one and this morning for the other.
>> Here is the output of ls -l /sbin/*reboot
>> jross@samsara1:/home/jross $ ls -l /sbin/*reboot
>> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  189236 Oct  8 13:42 /sbin/oreboot
>> -r-xr-xr-x  2 root  bin    193332 Oct  1 11:46 /sbin/reboot
>> The oreboot is the copy of the previous /sbin/reboot--and the size
>> matches exactly the /sbin/reboot file on another system from about a
>> month before the time_t change.
>> Here's my update script from the first system I tried to upgrade at
>> work.  In this case I tried running pwd_mkdb (since I'd checked that
>> it was a static binary) before rebooting.
>> Every command after the extracting base failed.
>> #!/bin/sh
>> path=/usr/releasedir/
>> export RELEASEPATH=$path   # where you put the files
>> rm /obsd ; ln /bsd /obsd && cp bsd.mp /nbsd && mv /nbsd /bsd
>> cp bsd.rd  /
>> cp bsd  /bsd.sp
>> rm -rf /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/*
>> cp /sbin/reboot /sbin/oreboot
>> files="xserv xfont xshare xetc xbase game comp man base"
>> for i in $files
>>  do
>>                echo $i
>>                tar -C / -xzphf $i*
>>                rm -f $i*
>>                sync
>>        done
>> /usr/sbin/pwd_mkdb /etc/master.passwd
>> cp /dev/null /var/log/lastlog
>> cp /dev/null /var/log/wtmp
>> /sbin/oreboot
>> However, it just occurred to me that I was in a tmux shell as
>> root--so it was *not* ksh!  I'll bet it was tmux that was croaking!
>> I've gotten in the habit of using tmux since it's been in base so if
>> my internet connection drops the script doesn't stop, leaving the
>> whole system in an inconsistent state--which I had happen about
>> halfway through extracting base one time.
>> Hmm--should (and can) tmux be switched to a static binary in base?
>> It's great to have that safety net if either side of my sometimes
>> crappy internet goes away.
>> Thanks, as always, Nick!
>> Jeff

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