On 13-10-26 09:43 AM, Stefan Sperling wrote:
>> Does it also function that way with RAID 1 softraid volumes?
> Yes.

That's great news!  (I re-did a system with root-on-raid1 moments ago 
and lo - it "just works".)

Even greater news would be if anyone other than a couple of developers 
knew about it.
I suggest altering FAQ section 14.21.1 
(http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#softraid) to show an example that 
includes root on softraid instead of wd0a as / and wd0m as RAID.

I recently followed the most up-to-date guidance I could find on booting 
OpenBSD off softraid(4), and *everything* I found showed that I needed 
the kernel on a separate slice so boot(8) could find it.

For that matter, boot(8), boot_amd64(8) and biosboot(8) all fail to 
mention the special behaviour of installboot(8) on softraid(4), so I 
have - AFAIK - no way of discovering that OpenBSD can boot directly off 
a softraid(4) root partition.

Yeah, I know - submit a patch.  I'm having trouble figuring out 
precisely what to say where.  I'm hoping it's obvious to someone else...

<whine>I know OpenBSD borrows useful concepts from Linux from time to 
time, but not keeping the manpages up to date isn't a "feature" I'd like 
to see brought over to the BSD world. One of the fundamentals of OpenBSD 
has historically been correct documentation.</whine>

-Adam Thompson

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