On Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:01:38 -0800, Andrew Klettke wrote:

> Which is odd, and definitely incorrect, as it works with the old binary, 
> and radius is set up correctly in login.conf (IP censored):
> radius:\
> :auth=radius:\
> :radius-server=***.***.***.***:\
> :ignorenologin:\
> :requirehome@:\
> :radius-challenge-styles=login:

This is almost certainly caused by revision 1.45 of sudo.c.  If you
back that out (see my previous messages) and rebuild sudo that
should fix it.

Basically, sudo is using the authentication style of the destination
user (in this case root) instead of the invoking user.  A workaround
may be to configure root to use radius authentication.

 - todd

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