On Thu, Nov 07, 2013 at 02:23:43AM +0000, Nikola Gyurov wrote:
> [...]
> /etc/mail # egrep -v '^(#|$)' /etc/mail/smtpd.conf | head -6
> pki core.Techn0.eu certificate "/etc/mail/certs/core.Techn0.eu.crt"
> pki core.Techn0.eu key "/etc/mail/certs/core.Techn0.eu.key"
> pki core.Techn0.eu dhparams "/etc/mail/certs/core.Techn0.eu.dh"
> [...]

can you try with an all-lowercase hostname ?

I think we're missing a call to lowercase() in our configuration parsing
and I'll have a fix for that in a few minutes if you can confirm that it
solves your issue too.

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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