Hmm surprised by that!

Henning, could you please confirm for us if the 32bit bandwidth limit was lifted in the new queuing subsystem, or if it is just still in place whilst dual-running the new and the old?

I guess considering Hrvoje's findings the limit is still in place until ALTQ is removed completely in 5.5??

Cheers, Andy.

On Fri 29 Nov 2013 22:10:20 GMT, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
On 29.11.2013. 17:08, Andy wrote:
PS; I hope you have reeaaaly fast servers..
NB; ALTQ is currently 32bit so you cannot queue faster than 4 and a bit
gig, unless you go for Hennings new queueing system which I'm still yet
to do when I actually find time..


I'm not sure if new queueing system is faster than 4.3Gbps or
pfctl -nvf pf.conf is lying or interface must be up and running to see
real bandwith with pfctl -vvsq.
I can't test it because I have one ix card. Will try to lend another ix
card to see.

# ifconfig ix0
         lladdr 90:e2:ba:19:29:a8
         priority: 0
         media: Ethernet autoselect
         status: no carrier
         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

pf.conf with 10G on ix0:
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 10G max 10G
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 bandwidth 5G
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 bandwidth 5G default
match on ix0 set ( queue (bulk@ix0i, ackn@ix0), prio (1,7) )

pfctl -nvf pf.conf
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 1G, max 1G
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 705M
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 705M default

pfctl -vvsq
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 1G, max 1G qlimit 50
queue ack@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 705M qlimit 50
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 705M default qlimit 50

pf.conf with 6G on ix0:
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 6G max 6G
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 bandwidth 3G
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 bandwidth 3G default
match on ix0 set ( queue (bulk@ix0i, ackn@ix0), prio (1,7) )

pfctl -nvf pf.conf
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 1G, max 1G
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 3G
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 3G default

pfctl -vvsq
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 1G, max 1G qlimit 50
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 3G qlimit 50
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 3G default qlimit 50

pf.conf with 4G on ix0:
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 4G max 4G
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 bandwidth 2G
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 bandwidth 2G default
match on ix0 set ( queue (bulk@ix0i, ackn@ix0), prio (1,7) )

pfctl -nvf pf.conf
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 4G, max 4G
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 2G
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 2G default

pfctl -vvsq
queue queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 4G, max 4G qlimit 50
queue ackn@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 2G qlimit 50
queue bulk@ix0 parent queue@ix0 on ix0 bandwidth 2G default qlimit 50

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