Thanks, I fixed it using the same config I wrote
The problem is my npppd server is behind NAT and my windows needed registry
modification AssumeUDP....
Thank you again

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 3, 2013, at 12:28 AM, Frans Haarman <> wrote:
> I have used this with windows 7 and osx:
> ike passive esp transport \
>         proto udp from $public_ip to any port 1701 \
>         main auth "hmac-sha1" enc "3des" group modp1024 \
>         quick auth "hmac-sha1" enc "aes" \
>         psk ""
> 2013/12/2 Or Elimelech <>
>> Hi,
>> I'm having trouble configuring Windows clients with l2tp over ipsec,
>> This config works great on OSX/iOS/Android/Linux
>> I do not know which type of auth/enc/group I should use for Windows
>> I currently use OpenBSD 5.4 with the following
>> ike passive esp transport \
>> proto udp from to any port 1701 \
>> main auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
>> quick auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp1024 \
>> psk "secret"
>> Thank you so much and keep up the good work I love the OpenBSD project
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