On Wed, Dec 4, 2013, at 05:00 PM, Jeff Ross wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a small server (5.4-current, more or less, dmesg and other 
> pertinent details follow) in an office acting as firewall/samba server.  
> We are trying to use an external USB hard drive as a backup.  Because 
> these are windows folk and because this is a server with 512M of ram and 
> their backup needs aren't that great, that 1TB external drive has one 
> 50GB  ms-dos partion at i, the rest of the drive is unused.  Hotplugd is 
> setup to automagically mount the drive, when it is inserted.  But since 
> I have no way (that I know of anyway) to cleanly umount the drive if it 
> is just yanked out while mounted, when the backup script starts if it 
> doesn't find the drive mounted it tries to fsck-msdos's it first and 
> then mount it.
> What I'm finding is that when the server tries to fsck_msdos the msdos 
> partition, it will more often that not bring the server down. It doesn't 
> panic but it gets so resource starved that it is, for all intents and 
> purposes, locked up--I can't even ssh into it.

I have noticed that regular FAT/msdos filesystem access to a USB thumb
drive has abysmal throughput, worse than a comparable Windows machine by
a factor of at least 2. I'd be willing to contribute towards a bounty
fund to get the FAT/msdos filesystem code improved (my programming
skills are limited, but I'll have a small surplus of money in about a

A good start to fix your problem would be to profile fsck_msdos and see
exactly what functions are eating up the most CPU time and RAM, and go
from there. I have access to a computer with 512M RAM running OpenBSD
and can run tests using a similarly sized filesystem and see if it's

> Does an ms-dos file system require far more than the 1MB of ram per 1 GB 
> of disk space that http://openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#LargeDrive suggests?

I don't think 1MB RAM per 1GB disk space applies to fsck_msdos, only the
fsck for FFS.

  Shawn K. Quinn

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