Short version: you are doing it wrong.

On 12/08/13 09:49, Lars Bonnesen wrote:
> I like OpenBSD for it's easiness, straight forwardness and simpleness on
> daily usage. Unfortunately with the last releases, I find keeping OpenBSD
> up2date between releases to be confusing. Please help me on this one:
> Well... I have been quite happy using cvsup to keep my src and ports
> up2date, but it seems that this is getting quite impossible to use lately,
> as the servers I normally use to pull from seem to block cvsup. )-:
> Then I read that cvsync seem to be the way to go... although I can't get it
> to work proberly.

why are you using cvsync?  Why do you want to maintain your own repository?

ok, I'm deleting the rest of this out of fear that someone else might
think this is the process.

Go read
Start at the very first line, and go at least to 5.4.  Pay very very
close attention to sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4.  (yes, I repeat
myself -- there's nothing in this first part you get to skip reading)

Be very careful to read (and follow) what it tells you to do, NOT what
you think it is telling you to do.  Your use of non-words like "up2date"
is telling me you are trying to use some other model on OpenBSD.


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