Em 26-12-2013 00:25, electronmuontau neutrino escreveu:
>> Sorry for late answer - had some problems with my ISP.
>> On Sunday 22 December 2013 01:42:09 electronmuontau neutrino wrote:
>>> I have two machines configured as wifi access points that use the
>>> athn(4) driver.  One is an Acer Aspire One D250 and the other is an
>>> ALIX.2D13 with a Compex WLM200NX Atheros 802.11 a/b/g/n miniPCI
>>> card.  Both have OpenBSD 5.4 release installed.  I've been able to
>>> reproduce the problem reliably on both.  The following is one
>>> procedure I used to test the problem:
>>> -boot machine with athn down
>>>     $ ifconfig athn0
>>>     athn0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
>>>         lladdr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>>>         priority: 4
>>>         groups: wlan
>>>         media: IEEE802.11 autoselect
>>>         status: no network
>>>         ieee80211: nwid ""
>>>     $ sudo ifconfig athn0 inet nwid
>>> 1234567890 wpakey keykeykey mediaopt hostap
>>>     $ ifconfig athn0
>>>     athn0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu
>>> 1500 lladdr: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>>>         priority: 4
>>>         groups: wlan
>>>         media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (autoselect hostap)
>>>         status: active
>>>         ieee80211: nwid 1234567890 chan 3 bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:x:
>>> wpakey <not displayed> wpaprotos wpa1, wpa2 wpaakms psk wpaciphers
>>> tkip, ccmp wpagroupcipher tkip
>>>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
>>>         inet6 xxxx::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%athn0 pfrefixlen 64 scopeid
>>> 0x1
>>> -edit dhcpd.conf and run dhcpd daemon
>>>     $ sudo /usr/sbin/dhcpd athn0
>>> -attempt to associate from MacOSX and WinXP machines
>>>     -not able to see nwid on WinXP after refreshing list multiple
>>> times -can see nwid on MacOSX, but connection times out when trying
>>> to associate
>> Down to here you are sending on 5120MHz, right?
> I don't know.  How would you determine that?
>>> -change channel on access point
>>>     $ sudo ifconfig athn0 chan 7
>> Now you switch to 2.4GHz - right?
>>> -association with AP is successful from MacOSX and WinXP machines
>>> now and IP addresses are assigned
>> WinXP machine might not work with 5GHz?
>> Are the antennas suitable for 5GHz? What about signal strength?
>> On the MAC it might be useful to install a WiFi scanner which will
>> tell you all about signal strength.
>> There is a free program called "Wifi Scanner" in the AppleStore. It is
>> very useful.
> The antennas I used were from PCEngines - listed as antsma on their website.
> antsma - Antenna for 2.4 GHz band, 5 dBi nominal gain. Reverse SMA connector.
> They do have another antenna, antsmadb, that is dual band which I don't have.
> antsmadb - Antenna for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band, 5 dBi peak gain in 2.4
> GHz band. Reverse SMA connector.
> I don't think signal strength was an issue because I tested with each
> AP next to the Mac and Windows machines and still had the same result.
>> I can't help with the COMPEX miniPCI 'cause I got another brand on my
>> Alix 2D13. But I realized that signal strength with 5GHz can be
>> significantly lower than with 2.4GHz using antennas which are meant to
>> work on both bands.
>> Just my 2 c
>>> Acer Aspire One D250
>>> athn0 at pci1 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR9281" rev 0x01: apic 4 int
>>> 16 athn0: AR9280 rev 2 (2T2R), ROM rev 22, address
>>> xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>>> Alix 2D13
>>> athn0 at pci0 dev 12 function 0 "Atheros AR9280" rev 0x01: irq 9
>>> athn0: AR9280 rev 2 (2T2R), ROM rev 22, address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>> Some might like to see a complete dmesg of this setup [hint-hint]
>>> Has anyone else encountered this?  Please let me know if more info
>>> is needed.
>> Cheers
>> Eike
I might be wrong, and the code might disprove me, but I don't believe
that in hostap mode it can work without explicitly defining a channel,
which is the issue you are having. I used to have a ralink 2500 in
hostap mode, and it wouldn't work until I defined the channel. You
should do a site survey and see the least busy channel in your area and
set it on your hostname.if.

Giancarlo Razzolini
GPG: 4096R/77B981BC

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