Thinking about this further, where would root.key be put if unbound
were not running in a chroot? Probably /var/unbound, and since we
already have a /var/unbound/var then the root.key file (and any others
that the _unbound user may need access to could (and maybe should) go
into /var/unbound/var/unbound (?). If so, this diff works for the
current rc file:
--- unbound.orig        Mon Dec 30 11:03:51 2013
+++ unbound     Tue Dec 31 09:26:18 2013
@@ -8,6 +8,17 @@
 . /etc/rc.d/rc.subr

 pexp="unbound${daemon_flags:+ ${daemon_flags}}"
+autotrust() {
+       if ! [[ -d /var/unbound/var/unbound ]]; then
+               mkdir "/var/unbound/var/unbound"
+               chown _unbound:_unbound "/var/unbound/var/unbound"
+               chmod 775 "/var/unbound/var/unbound"
+       fi
+       sudo -u _unbound /usr/local/sbin/unbound-anchor -a
+       wait

 rc_pre() {
@@ -16,6 +27,7 @@
            -f /var/unbound/etc/unbound_control.pem ]]; then
                unbound-control-setup >/dev/null 2>&1
+       autotrust

 rc_start() {

Also the unbound.conf file must be edited so that the autotrust line reads:
auto-trust-anchor-file: "/var/unbound/var/unbound/root.key"

Another way would be to keep the current rc file as is and use a
separate rc pkg script to handle grabbing the root key. The user would
place it in rc.conf.local before calling unbound:
pkg_scripts="unbound-anchor unbound"


On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Chris Smith <> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Remi Locherer <> wrote:
>> Having the root.key in a separate directory works.
> Yes, it works. But "/var/unbound/etc" was the choice during configure
> which means a little more work:
> The autotrust path line in unbound.conf needs to be edited with the
> new root.key path.
> The new autotrust path must be specified when running unbound-anchor
> (or the compiled in default will be used).
> The new autotrust directory must be created with proper permissions.
> It's not a big deal, and it would maybe add a line or two to the
> proposed function addition to the rc file, but it would be better to
> just adjust the configure options when building the package if it's so
> dangerous to provide the daemon write access to its own configuration
> directory. I figured if the package creator compiled in those defaults
> they should be used instead of my original workaround (adding the
> directory, etc.).
> Chris

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